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Global Missions, Local Church Expansion & Future Christian Leaders




Global Missions

Through Kingdom Builders, we support key missions projects such as providing vehicles and humanitarian aid, church planting, resources, and pastoral development. Everyone, in every nation, deserves a chance to hear the Gospel.

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Local Church Expansion

Kingdom Builders is committed to funding the growth of the church locally through expanding our own campuses, planting life-giving, Spirit-filled churches in our communities, and ministering to the hurting in our own backyards. We do not do this for comfort, fancy buildings, or praise, but for the purpose of making a space for those not yet here to personally know a loving, Heavenly Father.



Future Christian Leaders

Kingdom Builders believes in coming alongside our future Christian leaders to foster a love for the Bible, God, and the lost. Our Kingdom Builders partnerships work with organizations that care for the physical and spiritual needs of our future leaders from birth through those beginning their careers. We want the next generation to serve, give, and love more.