DOVER - 9:30am | 11:15am
PLYMOUTH - 10:30am
We are so excited and cannot wait to start worshiping with you again! Before we do, here are some steps we are taking to ensure we are doing our part to stop the spread of COVID-19.
A touch-free hand sanitizer station will be available for you and your family as you enter and exit the building
Each volunteer will have their temperature checked and fill out a self-assessment before beginning their duties
Regular cleaning of high-touch areas (such as kid’s check-in, bathrooms, etc.)
We encourage everyone to wear a mask
We will have masks readily available for individuals who do not have them and wish to wear one
Our auditorium seating will be divided into rows of 3 (1-3 household members) and rows of 6 (for larger households), with each row placed 6 feet apart. We ask that families of three or less do not take the larger rows reserved for larger families. Only members of the same household should be sitting together.
For the foreseeable future, coffee will no longer be a self-serve station. It will instead be a full-service option served by our Coffee Spot volunteers, who will be wearing masks.
We will not be passing the offering buckets during our services, but there are still other ways to give, such as:
Online Giving
Giving boxes located by the auditorium exits
Good ol’ fashioned mail
Restoration Church has decided to provide child care for any family who wish to use it. As always, it is in no way mandatory if you wish to keep your child with you!
What are some steps taken for safety?
Each volunteer will have their temperature checked and fill out a self-assessment before beginning their duties
Each kid’s volunteer is required to wear a mask for the whole duration of service
Limited toys in each classroom
In-depth cleaning of each toy and high-touch areas before and after each service
We will not be offering any snacks
We ask that each person attending practice proper social distancing and remain 6 feet in distance from any individuals outside of their household
As we will be cleaning after each service, we ask that all attenders refrain from congregating after the end of service
Refrain from handshakes and hugs and go ham on the waves and air-fives!
For the health and safety of everyone, if you have had the following symptom(s) within the last 14 days, we kindly ask that you join us from our Online Church:
Fever over 100°F
Cough or sore throat
Shortness of breath
Loss of smell or taste
Contact with anyone confirmed to have COVID-19