Family Tree: Week One

In week one of the “Family Tree” series, Pastor Andrew Zemianek speaks about his Great-Great Grandfather coming to America with only $18 in his pocket & having had to change his name, essentially his entire identity, to try to make a better life for his future descendants. And what he found out was that his Great-Great Grandfather on the other side was a pastor too. In this series, we are looking at Jesus’ genealogy in order to see the lineage from the Kings of Israel all the way down to each & every one of us. In Genesis 12, Abraham was asked to give up everything in order to become the father of the nations we know him to be now. God made a promise to Abraham, his decision whether or not to obey could have had generations worth of impacts. God had a destiny waiting for Abraham, but it was his choice whether or not to inherit it. Similarly, we have the choice to make a decision to follow God that could positively impact our family forever, or to decide not to follow Him & negatively impact our own soul for eternity. It’s not always easy to fathom, but with Jesus there are always choices.