The Big Ask: Week One

In the first week of “The Big Ask” Pastor Nate Gagne speaks from John 1 in which Jesus gets His first few followers. Unlike social media, Jesus did not take out an ad campaign to try to coerce people into following Him, He simply demonstrated His power and what living for God is like and as people began following Him and seeing their lives be changed, they began spreading the word to others. You may be the only believer someone knows, so although it can seem scary, it’s important to genuinely share your story with as many people as you can; it may just bring someone to Jesus who brings someone to Jesus and so on. It’s important never to coerce or use scare tactics (i.e. you’re going to Hell if you don’t). The best tool you have is your testimony which includes what Jesus did in your past but also how you ‘walk the walk’ every day. We are called to shine His light throughout the world. Even at work, school or other places where it’s contentious to share your faith, let your light shine and ask God to bring you opportunities for someone’s heart to be opened.